It was a very cold night and morning. In fact it froze. I stayed in my sleeping bag until after 6am before I finally had the motivation to crawl out into the crisp air. There was ice everywhere and the descent to Olallie Lake was full of snow. The last two days included a lot more snow than I expected. The one good thing about the frigid temperature was the dent it put in the mosquito population. At Olallie lake, the man running the store said early in the morning the thermometer said 28 degrees. I had a cup of hot coffee and then continued on towards Mt Hood. The views quickly disappeared and I passed Jude Lake and entered a green tunnel reminding me of hiking on the east coast. The only openings in the tunnel were small clear cuts, power lines and gravel roads. I lost lots of elevation today. I am camping over 3,000’ lower at Timothy Lake than where I began the day on Parker Ridge. I spent the evening winding halfway around the lake in a gentle evening breeze. Two more days and then I will be in Washington!
Miles 41

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