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Day 192 – The Mazatzals

I climbed straight up into the mountains and the Mazatzal Wilderness. It was like a different world at 7,000’. There were pine trees, forests, great mountains and more water than I expected. It was a rugged roller coaster, but in the best way. My morale was sky high despite having to slightly ration my food. I met multiple people on trail and everyone hiking this trail is so friendly, personable and nice to talk to. This may be a trail I will have to return to and hike it in its entirety. The weather has been sitting in the 70s and makes for perfect hiking. Despite achy feet, tired and scraped legs and an energy level stuck on E, I have found these wilderness areas exciting and inspiring. If all goes well (and I hope it does) I can hit the town of Pine tomorrow evening for a resupply, if I don’t make it I will have a hungry night and morning. It’s all part of the adventure. I hiked pretty late into the night, mostly because I am quickly running out of food.

Miles 42

Total miles 6320

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