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Day 106 – East Glacier

This morning I felt great. The best I have in at least a month. I attribute it to the permit system in Glacier National Park backcountry. My permit only allowed me to go 32, 27 and 29 miles the last 3 days. This means I could relax in the afternoons and evening and even hike casually. Unfortunately this style ended today, with a tough 36 miles to East Glacier and tomorrow it will get ratcheted up another notch when I enter the Bob Marshall Wilderness and up my daily miles to try to beat winter through Colorado. I crested Triple Divide Pass and was treated to mountain goats. Then in the distance between this Pass and Pitamaken Pass I saw what were either polar bears or white mountain goats. I’m going to assume they were polar bears. At the top of the Pass, the day hikers appeared in full force, armed to the teeth with their bear spray and clad in brand new designer outdoor gear. At some point on the descent, my beard attracted a good amount of pine needles. Once I noticed this natural beard accessory, it took me a mile of slowly detangling the mess, just in time to look like an eligible bachelor as I walked into Two Medicine campground. I grabbed an ice cream and a coke before climbing over 7,400’ then suddenly dropping down to East Glacier. After leaving the National Park, I joined a dirt road and a bear suddenly appeared on the side of the road. He was only 20 feet away and I startled him. The black bear jumped and ran the other way. I coasted into town and got a bunk in the hostel for the night. I thought I had the hostel to myself, but at 10pm another hiker came in named 7/11 and then closer to midnight two brother from Germany joined the party. Everyone was nice, but unfortunately one of the snored loudly.

Miles 36

Total miles 3397

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