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Day 171 – Grants

This morning I froze my butt off. Really, at one point my butt was cold. The temperature was around freezing, but the wind was so stiff it bit through all my layers. My fingers were white and my eyes stung in the stiff wind. Finally after 10 miles I dropped low enough the temperature rose a bit, the wind was more bearable and the snow on the ground disappeared. At this point I saw a random BBQ in the middle of the woods. A decent and large one. This raised many questions. Was I too early or late for the cook out? After the strange artifact or piece of trash, it was a tame stroll into Grants, NM. This town has a Walmart, so that may help judge the size. I did my shopping and retreated from the wintery mix falling by ducking into a brewery. After a beer it was time to face the elements. I walked into the blowing snow, crossed the interstate and down the quiet road. Over the next two hours I was stopped by the state police and the local rangers who asked what the hell I was doing. They seemed concerned but I kept walking. My gear held up well and I stayed warm and dry for the most part. Tomorrow I will have to dry out a few things though.

Miles 35

Total miles 5584

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