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Day 31 – Postholing

Today was so difficult. It is also hopefully my last full day before I hit Mammoth Lakes. I am low on food. My body is tired and aches. I woke up 3 miles before Seldon Pass and was over it before the sun even melted the snow. Then on the way down toward Bear Creek the Postholing (falling 2 feet into the snow) with every step began. During one snow patch I fell through the snow and slammed my shin on a rock. My eyes watered and I though a fracture may have occurred. After a few gasped I pulled the leg out of the snow, tested it out and decided I was good to go. At the vaunted Bear Creek there were a few other hikers preparing for the waist deep crossing. I was a little fed up with Falling in the snow all morning so I just walked straight through the raging creek. Then it was a climb and a drop then a climb again to silver pass. The trail crossed the raging mono creek and then went under a waterfall before it was 5 more miles of postholing, a drop to a stream and then more postholing bear Duck Lake. At one point I fell in the snow up to my neck and had to take my pack off and strategically climb out. At the end of the day I slipped and fell hard, landing on my pole and snapping it in half. It was a hard day to say the least. 11 miles until Mammoth Lakes and hopefully I can recover.

Miles hiked: 32

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