I woke up in the hotel refreshed and ready to get back on the trail. After making quick work of the continental Breakfast I was on Highway 7 hitching back to the trail. It was 37 miles away and would be a tough task. But, all my gear was dry, I got some good rest, and I avoided the cold temperatures of the Ozarks. With forecasts in the teens and ultimately going to be forced to camp high above where those forecasts applied, the hotel was my best option.
At first I couldn’t get a ride from anyone. The only interest I got was from a policeman. But, after nearly an hour I got my first ride from an older man with such a thick accent that it was hard to converse. He got me about 15 miles up the road and by the time he dropped me off we were having good talks, although it was tough to decipher his words. He dropped me off past Dover and I started walking further up the road, hoping to find a good spot to continue the hitching process. I walked past manufactured homes full of barking dogs and didn’t feel completely safe. But within a dozen sporadically spaced cars passing, I received a ride. From the hotel to the trail took about 2 hours. Micah, a local college student drove me the rest of the way.
It is always a relief to get out of town and back to the trail from town. Hitching is such an unknown and for an unplanned stop such as Russellville, it was even more complicated. But, the hiking was still very cold. The streams had ice on their banks. The creeks were still swollen with the rain and my feet were quickly wet. I keep my light sweatshirt on all day as it never got out of the 40s. But the sun is out and the rolling hills are beautiful. Hopefully the nights aren’t too cold as I contemplate attempting an FKT.

Ozark Highlands Trail
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