I woke up tired. I slept fine, but diving into 30 miles days slowly begins to wear on a body over a week. I laid in my tent and stared at the ceiling, just putting off the decision to get up and commit to the day. Finally, closer to 8 than 7am I crawled out of the tent and slowly got up off the ground. I packed up with efficiency and moved eastward. The trail was easy to follow but I couldn’t as sluggish. A couple miles into the day, I came to Bear Creek. I would have to get my feet wet and I was not excited about it. The stream was wide, and deep. The cold water was not enticing but I got in. I slowly waded across, with the water coming to my mid thigh. Finally on the other side I crawled out freshly soaked. Once I crawled up the bank, I saw about ten tents and backpackers. They were astonished I had crossed the creek and asked where. “Just right where the trail crossed seems to be fine,” I responded to them. This was more of an inconvenient crossing for me than anything. Many of the crossings of the last 185 miles of the Ozark Highlands Trail had been much more difficult and dangerous. I said goodbye and hiked on.
I was slow all day. I took many breaks and tried to eat enough to diminish the freshly resupplies food weight I had to carry on my back. I saw a couple more hikers throughout the day but it was fairly quiet. By the end of the day, I finally arrived at Highway 14 at Dillard’s Ferry. I hoped to continue on but the trail immediately disappeared. I fought my way through brush and rocky terrain to where I finally thought I could set up a tent. I passed out with no idea where the trail was and decided to resume looking in the morning light.

Ozark Highlands Trail
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