I was tired again this morning but I decided not to make coffee. I was packed up and moving by seven. The trail was ever elusive as I look to join up with it after not finding it before I set up camp last night. I went straight down a mountain through the thorns and loose leaves only to find the creek I was supposed to cross but no trail. This section seems to be very overgrown and hard to follow. In about 10 miles begins the sycamore section of the trail which I’m sure is pretty established Trail. But, to get there it is going to be a long slog through the uneven terrain and unmarked and unseen trail. I continued slowly throughout the day and around noon finally made it to the more established trail where they were blazes on the trees I need to find for a path for me to follow. I was so glad to be off the bushwhacking path that I laid out all my stuff to let the condensation of the night before dry off for a while and then I packed up and moved on after eating a lunch.
The sycamore section of the trail is quite defined although right when the trail becomes nice, I had to cross a big stream (below) and the weather turns. It looks like rain is coming in the afternoon which is going to be a further pain because I didn’t bring gear that is suitable for the winter weather I’ve been getting along the OHT.
As the time went by and the miles added up I was able to make decent time. For feeling tired and lethargic, the trail became a lot more easy to follow along the Sycamore Section and I began to have a good time. The clouds rolled in, covering the sky with a depressing gray look, but the rain was no more than a mist through the evening. I set up camp on top of a knob, but under a tree with no hopes of finding something better. I staked the tent out the best I could, knowing it could be a blustery night!

Ozark Highlands Trail
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