Today I got the best trail magic of the trip so far. I was on the trail early with the intent of making the Daleville post office before it closed at 12. I didn’t waste any time on the down hill climb to town and was at the post office by 930. The next step was to get a good town meal and possibly a shower and laundry done. I found a coffee shop and took care of everything I had been putting off til town. By the time I was going to leave I decided to go to the brewery next door for a beer before heading back to the trail. There I met Kyle (I can’t remember his trail name) and he was a past thru hiker. We talked for a while and I found out he is hiking the PNT this summer which is lesser known 1200 mile trail I hiked in the past. He then offered me a place I could do laundry and shower and even gave me some food and a meal. It was pretty awesome. From there I left town and walked just a few miles before deciding to camp in the rain under my tarp. It should be a true test of the setup. I’m really hoping not to wake up in the middle of the night in a soaking wet sleeping bag. Today turned out to be the perfect short, productive, mostly restful day.

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