I made it to Delaware Water Gap. Of course it is not in Delaware but is situated on the New Jersey/Pennsylvania border. Likewise this marks my final day in the state of rocks. Ironically one of the locals in Delaware Water Gap said “In Pennsylvania we grow rocks.” I can think of a lot better things they could grow but to each and their own. My shoes are torn up and I am worn out from the many Boulder fields of PA. I could not be happier to be walking into New Jersey. That is also a sentence I could never imagine saying. The next few states: New Jersey, New York and Connecticut are relatively short and I should be passing through them in a matter of days. As I sit right now I am at mile 1293 and have less than 900 miles to finish my first major trail of the three I have planned. After surviving this exhausting section I was wiped out but could not pass up a cold beer once I got into town. But first I had to take advantage of the hotdog and slice of pie for $3 at the local bakery. When I finally got to savor my beer I met many interesting people at The Sycamore. It is nice to get to interact with people in towns as my social skills would wain otherwise. In this particular town I was given a lesson on the geography and the state of Pennsylvania by a local girl. Finally I turned in at the hostel run by the church and was able to get a nice long hot shower. Let’s see what New Jersey has in store.

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