It was very refreshing to have someone to hike with after so many miles in solitude. I had now truly reached the front of the heard of 2016 northbound thru hikers and was leading the way to Katahdin. I haven’t laughed, climbed or even joked like I did today for almost 1000 miles. There is just something different to hike with someone else that really brings you back to earth. Speedstick is doing the “Calendar triple crown” which is exactly what I am doing and also attempting to be the first woman to do so. I had been hoping to catch her but since she had family in New York I had been nervous I might pass without even knowing it. After finding her in the same shelter last night there was nothing else to do but to continue on northward! In other big news, I finally got some new shoes today. My old ones set a personal record by making it over 1000 miles! Also I finally left New York and made it to Connecticut. Only a few more states on this trail. I guess now is as good of time as any to say “Hello New England”

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