PCT day 23The Sierra Nevada are going to be epic. Today I climbed from roughly 7k feet to over 11k feet. It rained, it’s snowed, the sun shone through and thunder crackled in the clouds. I am hoping the weather improves, even just slightly, as starting tomorrow I will begin going through some very high passes. There is snow on the ground for most miles and there are much fewer footprints than I would have imagined. It looks like most people ahead of me decided to bail out because of the excessive snow. On top of the rain,m and snow, it is going to be a very cold few days. Even in the sun I have to wear a jacket. My sleeping bag will be pushed to its limit and staying warm could be a constant battle. Well there’s not too much more to write about today as I just got a taste of what the next few days will look like as I enter the high sierras!
Miles 716-754

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