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Day 121 – SNOW 

PCT day 34Much of the morning was spent walking on snow. I was climbing up and over some 10k peaks before descending to the 9600 ft Sonora pass. The snow wasn’t hard packed and easy to walk on as it often is at high altitudes. This snow had the consistency of a blended margarita but was not as satisfying. It was an energy sucking slip and slide through an icy slush. I took breaks much more often than usual as I felt like just moving through this had the physical exertion of sprinting. By the time I got to the top and looked around I was amazed at the height I had gained. I towered over multiple peaks (for once) and could see many miles in every direction. It was pleasant to see what was around and especially ahead. Although however pleasant it was, it was also disheartening to see the breadth of snow that lie ahead. I have a good 200+ miles of snow walking ahead. It’s time to put on my big kid shoes and start finding joy in the slip and slide ritual of walking on snow or its going to be a long slog. Next stop Tahoe.

Miles 999-1025

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