CDT day 70-Miles Hiked today: 30
CDT total distance traveled: 2420
Total trail miles: 7300
Avg temps: 70s
Injuries: hamstring Achilles
Pain: feet
Exhaustion level: low
Favorite meal: Pie town Pie During this final two weeks of my adventure I encourage everyone to donate to fight suicide prevention at: The art of obtaining (being gifted) food or water from people you meet while hiking is called yogi-I got. This is after yogi the bear and thus far I have been very lucky with this in New Mexico. This morning while walking the dirt road two elk hunters pulled over and asked it I needed anything and while I said “thanks but I think I am ok” they got out of the truck and gave me two sandwiches. They kindly insisted and I was very happy to receive them. Then for good measure they refilled my water bottles. The kindness I have received on this trip has really brought my faith in humanity back to a healthy level. Often those that have the least to give will offer the most. It really makes you question the things in life that are really important and my answer to this thought is: Community. If we all strive to make the portion of the world we touch 10% better we could make a giant difference in the world. The nostalgia is real as I close in on the end with less than 10 days of hiking left! I closed the day by walking a dirt road into Pie Town. I ate at the cafe and of course had a pie. But there was something wrong here. My resupply box did not make it here. Given over a week, UPS could not get a box here in the time I could have walked. Now I have some decisions to make. There is a house in town that Nita, a local trail angels has let bikers and hikers stay at for years and that is where I get to stay tonight.

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