PCT day 79-To keep up its’ reputation, Washington decided to continue raining on me. I started out in full rain gear and never took it off. Unfortunately this meant my feet were wet all day too. I dropped down to high bridge and crosses the road into Stehekin only to keep on heading north. I will be cutting it close with my food but am hoping to finish tomorrow so Stehekin isn’t part of the plan. As I began the slow climb through North Cascades National Park the sky opened up and I was thoroughly rinsed. During one of these showers I came upon a horse train. Horses often worry me on a narrow trail because I don’t know them and they are much bigger than I am but in this situation although my heartbeat increased there were no issues. They even gave me a coupe cookies. I also saw multiple overnight hikers who were in an awful mood from the rain. I always try to take each inconvenience and challenge in stride and this was a good reminder to continue to not worry about things I can’t control. Eventually after getting thoroughly soaked in my poor rain gear I arrived at Rainy Pass, and yes it was raining here. Luckily the trailhead bathroom was well stocked and I could replenish my toilet paper supply. I ended the day by climbing into the fog over cutthroat pass and down into the next valley to camp. On the climb down to the Methow River I had to go over, around and under more down trees than I have ever seen. It took me 30 minutes to go 1 mile and there were 124 trees laying across the trail. I suspect these trees will be there and provide a good warmup tomorrow morning as well. If this trend continues I may have to push off finishing until Sunday morning. Two last pieces of breaking news from the trail: a mouse is attempting to have a sleep over with me tonight so I may be fighting a war with him all nigh for the covers, and I have run out of fuel for my stove so cold food it is for the last 46 miles.
Miles 2564-2604

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